There are greeting cards for every occasion, and they are a superb way to tell someone you’re thinking about them. Whether it’s a holiday, birthday, special occasion, or just ‘because,’ sending a greeting card to someone you care about can really make all the difference. But, cards have become more expensive than ever nowadays.
Savvy|Smart|Sexy People Do INVITATION MOCKUP 🙂
It’s easy to spend over five dollars on a simple card, and that starts to add up quickly, especially if you love sending them.
With these free greeting card templates, you can download some great designs, and use them however you’d like to fit your specific needs. That means you can use the same (or different) designs over and over again, customize what they say, and who they’re going to, and get a long life out of them. Once you’ve customized them, using them over and over again for different people or occasions is extremely cost-effective.
Not only do you not have to go somewhere and pay a lot for a card, but you’re actually creating something personal, and special.
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These mockups can be used for just about any occasion, and the best part? You can add your special touches, to really make the recipient feel great. Who doesn’t love getting something created from the heart, after all? You’ll find that these free mockups will come in handy again and again, whether you’ve got your cards all planned out, or you need a quick card for an occasion and don’t want to have to run out and buy one.
Go the personal, and cost-effective route with these free downloads. You’ll love the way they look, and the people in your life will love receiving them from you for just about any occasion you can think of.
Invitations are there in the practice from very old times. Before the invention of printing equipment, monks with calligraphy skills used to handwrite the invitations. Later lithographic methods and engraving methods are used to print hundreds of invitations at a time. In modern times we can create beautiful calligraphy style invitations with computer printers. If you are designing such beautiful invitations, you can use these designer-friendly invitation mockups to showcase your designs.
Minimalistic designs are not only a trend in web design and app design, but it is also a trend in invitation designing. The invitation mockups in this list have high-quality images with realistic textures so that your minimalistic design can felt for real by the audience.
Engraved invitation designs are still popular among the modern generations to make their invitations stand out from the rest of the invitations. Some of the invitation mockups in this list give you the option to adjust the depth of the field to help you give a realistic feel of the engraved invitation design.
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