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6 Facts Food Dogs Shouldn't Eat

While we consider dogs to be members of our family, feeding them the same food we eat can cause injury to them. Dogs are not used to eating the oily, fatty foods that we do, and they can get diarrhea and upset stomachs from them. It’s important to know what foods are toxic to dogs and avoid them.

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  • Onions, garlic and chives
In all forms (powdered, raw, cooked etc.), these foods can cause gastrointestinal irritation in pets and could lead to red blood cell damage. While cats are more susceptible, dogs are also at risk if they consume enough of any of these foods.
  • Chocolate and Caffeine
It’s a pretty well-known fact that chocolate is harmful to dogs. The amount and type of chocolate your dog consumes determines the symptoms and toxicity level he will experience. The darker the chocolate is (for instance, baker’s chocolate or cocoa powder), the more dangerous it is to your puppy. They contain a higher concentration of caffeine and theobromine, both of which cause toxicosis in dogs. Keep your dog away from caffeinated beverages as well.
  • Grapes and Raisins
While grapes and raisins are not harmful to some dogs, they have been associated with kidney failure in others.
  • Salt and salty snack foods
Salt, as well as salt-heavy foods like chips and pretzels, can lead to excessive thirst and urination, and even sodium ion poisoning in pets. Some signs that your pet may have consumed too much salt include vomiting, diarrhea, depression, tremors, elevated body temperature, seizures and even death.
  • Alcohol and Raw Bread Dough
Small amounts of alcohol found in drinks, syrups and raw bread dough can be poisonous to dogs. These products contain ethanol, and beer also contains hops, both of which can cause alcohol intoxication.
  • Dairy products
Dairy products can upset your dog’s digestive system and cause diarrhea as well as food allergies. Ingestion of just a few macadamia nuts can cause weakness, paralysis and lack of coordination.

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