habit of meditation is one of the most powerful things I’ve ever
learned. Amazingly, it’s also one of the most simple habits to do — you
can do it anywhere, any time, and it will always have immediate
- Get Comfortable
comfortable seat is the starting point for all meditation practice. A
meditation cushion is great, but so is a folded blanket, meditation
bench, firm pillow, or a bolster. If you’re sitting on the floor, make
sure your hips are higher than your knees by at least four inches. This
will help your spine stay straight and reduce any discomfort in your
- Sit Tall
good word to think of when you’re sitting is “dignity.” Imagine
yourself sitting on a throne. Lengthen your spine and feel your tailbone
and the crown of your head pulling away from each other. This helps
maintain alertness and increase energy flow.
When you sit straight, it’s easier to breathe, the heart opens, and the spine is in happy alignment.
- Start Small
small. Ten minutes of meditation a day is a great beginning. If that’s
too much, five minutes is fine. I guarantee everyone has five minutes he
or she can carve out of the morning. Just set the alarm for five
minutes earlier than you usually get up.
- Notice Your Excuses
will have excuses for why you can’t meditate. You’re too busy, you’re
too tired, your kids need you. Rather than submit to these claims, just
pay attention to what they are. Since the way we do one thing is usually
the way we do everything, they probably reveal something.
- Practice Makes Perfect
is a skill that gets better with practice, just like chess or cooking.
You are learning to master your emotions, harness your thoughts, and
train the nervous system to stay regulated in the face of stress.
things take time. You don’t eat one healthy meal and call it done. You
don’t expect to get strong from one day at the gym. Think of regular
meditation as a workout for the mind.
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